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  • Chatzikos, Marios's avatar
    Remove limit from code block in LineStackCreate() · 2a204d19
    Chatzikos, Marios authored
    The previous implementation of the code block in LineStackCreate() that
    quantifies line overlap used an arbitrary value of 20 as the maximum
    number of lines that could overlap in a bin.
    During review, Gary questioned the choice.  This ad hoc value was picked
    as a high enough limit to carry out the task, given that currently up to
    14 lines overlap in a bin.
    The previous implementation was also inefficient in that it went over
    rfield.fine_lstack map several times to produce the report.
    Here, the overlap across rfield.fine_lstack is established ahead of
    time, and each fine continuum index in the map is visited only once for
    the report.  The ad hoc value of 20 is removed.