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  • Chatzikos, Marios's avatar
    Simplify 'save line pop' check for lines with pop · 9770ef0d
    Chatzikos, Marios authored
    Previously, a method was defined, LinSv.isSpectralLine(), that
    discriminated against all line types and flags known to the code, except
    for lines that are either transferred, 't', or are designated as
    recombination, 'r', lines.  Then, when the method was needed there was
    an additional check on the TransitionProxy of the line in the stack.
    Robin wondered if all that was necessary, so upon a little reflection
    it became apparent that they were not.  Instead of testing against all
    those flags, it is more straightforward to test for the types that the
    method does allow for: 't' and 'r'.
    But given that only 't' lines with initialized transitions can ever pass
    the if-statement in 'save lines pop', and produce meaningful output, the
    method becomes superfluous.
    It is hereby removed.  The if-statement now checks if the line is type
    't' instead of calling that method to test if it is a genuine spectral
    The check against the transition being initialized (that discriminates
    against recombination lines - which have no level populations associated
    with them) remains.