Cloudy is a spectral synthesis code designed to simulate conditions in interstellar matter under a broad range of conditions. It is provided for general use under an open-source
Cloudy is a spectral synthesis code designed to simulate conditions in interstellar matter under a broad range of conditions. It is provided for general use under an open-source
Please post **_questions or problems_** on the Cloudy [discussion board](https://cloudyastrophysics.groups.io).
Please post **_questions or problems_** on the Cloudy [discussion board](https://cloudyastrophysics.groups.io).
Updates to Cloudy will be announced on that board.
Updates to Cloudy will be announced on that board.
<strong><em>Welcome to our new server for nublado.org</em></strong> Our previous host has gone out of business and the U Ky IT group has generously offered their support.
<strong><em>Welcome to our new server for nublado.org</em></strong> Our previous host has gone out of business and the U Ky IT group has generously offered their support.
Please report any problems you encounter on our discussion board.
<strong><em>Our user forum has moved to </em></strong>
<strong><em>[this groups.io site](https://cloudyastrophysics.groups.io).</em></strong> Yahoo have shut down their old groups site.
<strong><em>C17.02, is released.</em></strong>
<strong><em>C17.02, is released.</em></strong>
[This](https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017RMxAA..53..385F/abstract) paper discusses what is new.
[This](https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017RMxAA..53..385F/abstract) paper discusses what is new.
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