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  • Ferland, Gary's avatar
    update OI CS per Antonio Garcia report · a3827c18
    Ferland, Gary authored
    email of 2021 May 5
    In the last few days, I've been collecting rates for
    O i +e inelastic collisions. I started with Barklem,
    A&A 462, 781-788 (2007) and tried to cast the rates into
    Omega_ij strengths. After accounting for the partitioning
    into the 3 fine-structure levels (lumped together by
    Barklem), I was in a position to compare my Omega_ij with
    those reported in the stout datafile. I was able to match
    the Omega_ij for all transitions from the 1,2,3 levels
    into the 4,5,6 levels, and also the 4-->5 transition.
    I'm not able, however, to reproduce the Omega_ij values reported
    in stout for the 1,2,3-->7 transition (from O(3P_J=2,1,0)
    into the level at 9.52 eV). I didn't check the transitions
    into more energetic states. The comments at the bottom of the
    stout o_1.coll file (attached here for your reference) note
    that there may be some inconsistencies. I'm also attaching the
    values that I estimated myself for transitions within levels up
    to 10 eV. I would appreciate y...