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Adjust printed Cloudy version to Git

Chatzikos, Marios requested to merge version into master

As part of the switch to Git, a new workflow is to be established. The previous practice of releasing every few years would better be replaced with a scheme where we release every few months. We seem to be gravitating toward a model where feature branches are merged onto master, which is merged onto the release branch for periodical releases.

The repository structure must change to reflect these changes. A release branch must be added, and the old system of multiple branches for releases, release candidates, etc, must be abandoned.

This structure is reflected in the Cloudy version reported at the opening of a .out file, and must also be adjusted to the new layout. Under the old system, version strings such as:

Cloudy (trunk, r13172M, experimental)
Cloudy (newdyna, r14320M, experimental)
Cloudy (c17_branch, r12051, prerelease)

would be created.

The new layout has brought about a simplification in these strings, such that for any branch the final string is omitted, a 'modified' string may appear in lieu of the 'M' above, and the sequential revision number is necessarily replaced with part of the Git SHA1 commit string. For the release branch, only the release tag is reported, unless the branch is modified, viz.,

Cloudy (c20.12)
Cloudy (c20.12, modified)
Cloudy (version, abfc681)
Cloudy (version, 351120e, modified)

Note that the old system relied on SVN's HeadURL keyword, which has no equivalent under Git, and led to a simplified (and incorrect) version being reported:

Cloudy 13.06.01

Reported by: M. Dehghanian

Merge request reports