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GS updates 21 reactions to UMIST 2012

Ferland, Gary requested to merge UMISTlimitT into master

We originally used the Rollig+ 2007A&A...467..187R network based on versions of UMIST before 2012. Reactions have been updated in particular cases. GS is now updating to 2012 21 reactions changed in this commit.

This produces 0.3 dex changes in some important molecules, especitally CO. GS identified two reactions that are responsible for most of these changes:

mole_co_base.dat line 1040, C2,S=>CS,C:hmrate:1.e-10:0.:0 # UMIST2012, updated 2023may08, GS line 56 O,C2=>CO,C:hmrate:2.e-10:-0.12:0 # UMIST2012, updated on 2023may08,GS These are faithful copies of the UMIST data.

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