This contains *_all versions of the code that have ever been the gold or stable version*_. Only stable versions of the code should be used in publications since this web site will always have it - if future questions arise about how some result was obtained the original source can always be retrieved and the result obtained again.
The *_history of the code*_ is discussed on [this](http://www.ferland.org/cloudy/gary/Cloudy_origins.htm) page.
Old versions are stored in directories beneath [this](https://data.nublado.org/cloudy_releases/) site.
The following versions are present:
| Version | Date |
| 33 | 1983 |
| 67 | 1987-1988|
| 72 | 1988-1989|
| 74 | 1989-1991|
| 80 | 1991-1993|
| 84 | 1993-1996|
| 90 | 1996-1999|
| 94 | 2000-2004|
| 96 | 2004 Oct 16 to 2005 July 08|
| C05.07 | 2005 Jul to 2006 Jan|
| C06.01 | - |
| C06.02 | 2006 Feb to 2007 Feb|
| C07.02 | 2007 Feb to 2008 Aug|
| stars | stellar data files |
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